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bombcryptoblockchain| Shangtang Technology: Promote consensus on the development and governance of artificial intelligence between China and France and lay out an international market

Newsletter summary

Xu Li, CEO of Shangtang Technology, emphasized artificial intelligence at the Sino-French Entrepreneurship Committee.BombcryptoblockchainWith global cooperation, the company participates in international standard-setting and operates in more than 10 countries and regions around the world, promoting the inclusion of AI ethics in United Nations guidelines.

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[the sixth meeting of the Sino-French Entrepreneur Committee ended in Paris, France. Xu Li, chairman and CEO of Shangtang Technology, participated and emphasized the global opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence.] at the just concluded sixth meeting of the Sino-French Entrepreneurship Committee, Xu Li, Chairman of Shangtang Technology and CEO, as an outstanding representative in the field of artificial intelligence industry, shared the consensus between China and France on the development and governance of artificial intelligence. Xu Li said that both sides agree on the core role of artificial intelligence in promoting economic development and innovation, and are committed to promoting its development of safety and compliance. In the joint statement, China and France particularly emphasized the balance between the flexibility of governance and the protection of personal data and the rights of users. This consensus aims to provide room for advances in artificial intelligence technology while ensuring inclusive development. Shangtang Technology, as one of the leading artificial intelligence companies in the world, has carried out business in more than a dozen countries and regions around the world, actively participated in international market activities, promoted the growth of local artificial intelligence talents and ecology, and achieved win-win results. The company also plays an important role in international standard-setting, participating in more than 80 important domestic and foreign standards organizations, and has expert seats in the international standard ISO. In addition, Shangtang Technology has led the compilation of more than 200 international and national standards, and its AI Code of Ethics for Sustainable Development has been recognized by the United Nations Guide to Strategic Resources for artificial Intelligence, making it the only company in Asia to receive this honor. Xu Li stressed that in the face of the global opportunities and challenges brought about by technological development, countries from all walks of life need to make joint efforts, and international exchanges and cooperation are of vital importance to this effort.

bombcryptoblockchain| Shangtang Technology: Promote consensus on the development and governance of artificial intelligence between China and France and lay out an international market

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